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Men & Masculinities 101: Gender Role Conflict
Men and Masculinities 101 Celenie (D51) Singley Men and Masculinities 101 Celenie (D51) Singley

Men & Masculinities 101: Gender Role Conflict

Gender role conflict (GRC) refers to the psychological circumstances in which socially prescribed gender roles contribute to personal restrictions, devaluation, or violation of either one’s own self or others around them (O’Neil et al., 1986). Whereas traditional masculine ideology (TMI) describes individuals’ beliefs about the rigid, stereotyped characteristics and behaviors that define what it means to be “a man,” GRC represents the direct consequence of rigid adherence to these beliefs.

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Men & Masculinities 101: The Gender Role Strain Paradigm
Men and Masculinities 101 Celenie (D51) Singley Men and Masculinities 101 Celenie (D51) Singley

Men & Masculinities 101: The Gender Role Strain Paradigm

Firstly, gender norms, which are based in stereotypes, are often contradictory and inconsistent, making them especially difficult to adhere to; thus, the number of men who violate gender norms is high. Violations (or perceived violations) of gender norms can lead to what Pleck (1995) deems gender role discrepancy, the difference between the culturally ideal man and the actual man, which can result in psychological stress (“gender role discrepancy stress”; Reidy et al., 2016).

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